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Why Do You Need Rodent Control ?

if they are able to gain entry into your home or business area that can invade your business and home. Rodent are among the most destructive of all pests

Health Risks

Health Risks

Rodents and their parasites spread many dreaded diseases like plague, typhus, rat-bite fever, Tuberculosis and acute food poisoning.

Contaminate Risks

Contaminate Risks

Bacteria-infested urine and fecal droppings do more than just spoil food; they can become a nesting place for microscopic tapeworm eggs

Damage Property

Damage Property

Rodent are ability to chew through walls, pipe electrical appliances, furniture and wiring, rats and mice can even trigger electrical fires in your building – potentially resulting in structural damage

Breed Rapidly

Breed Rapidly

Rodents are able to breed quickly and have the potential to develop into a serious issue if left unmanaged.

Business Risks

Business Risks

Customers see a rodent; immediate loss of trust from customers and employees it could hurt your reputation and impact your business, rodent infestation that failure to comply with legislation could lead to business closure or fines.

Secondary Pests Risk

Secondary Pests Risk

They are also known to introduce other pests, such as fleas, mites and ticks into the premise, causing additional damage

Firstcare Rodent Control Program

Integrated Rodent Management (IRM) is a holistic rodent control programme specially designed to effectively and efficiently manage rodent infestations, our Pest Specialist will develop a rodent control program to meet your facility’s needs



Comprehensive site inspection to key signs of rodent activity, such as faecal droppings, urine stains and gnawing damage, assess the source of attraction, breeding site, level of infestation, the outside perimeter will be searched for potential entry points and rodent attractants. and to identify the rodent species

Precautions in Rodent

A rodent can squeeze through a 1 cm gap, Rodent infestation can be found can depend on the species of Rodent that has invaded your property, and the ambient conditions in your area, there are multiple ways they can gain entry to buildings:

Eliminate Food Sources

Eliminate Food Sources

Keep all food in sealed metal or glass containers with tight fitting lids. Rubbish bags in rodent proof bins with securely fitted lids to stop them feeding from contents

About Rodent

Rodents are arguably the most significant global pest for mankind. The three most common rodents found in India include: The Roof Rat, the House Mouse, the Bandicoot.

House Mouse

House Mouse

Appearance - Adults are typically 60-90mm. They have a tail-length of 80-100mm long and weigh 20g-30g maximum. Droppings can be useful for identification purposes; theirs are formed like grains of rice and are approx. 3-6mm long. Lifecycle 4 – 16 young per litter; 7 – 8 litters a year. Gestation period of about 3 weeks Behaviour & Habitats – They will live close to a source of food and destroy materials in the vicinity to build a nest. Outdoors they will breed throughout the summer only and indoors they will breed continuously. Mice never move too far from their nest, and always use the same route when travelling to and from it, preferring to navigate around the edge of a room. Grease build-up in their fur, from urine and dust, creates smear marks which can be evident. Risk – Mice are practically incontinent and urinate frequently. As a result, a mice infestation is normally recognized by distinct musty smell of their urine. They contaminate all surfaces that they scurry across with urine and faeces.